Andeh (egg) wala Burger is the most famous all around Pakistan. Everybody, rich or poor, loves this burger. The main reason for its popularity is its price, because its cost is very low and every person can afford it The second thing is its size. Some people eat it in their meals. |
The Andeh (egg) wala Burger is rich and filling, making it a complete meal for everyone.Its recipe is very lengthy because of the tikki which is used in it. Thus, tikki is made with chicken, daal chaana, potato, and a variety of spices.The bread's length is six inches, which is used in the Andeh (egg) wala Burger. Sauses are also used in this burger, which are very different as area requirements, but mayonnaise, tomatoes, and ketchup are common items used in the Andeh (egg) wala Burger.
These things are used in Andeh (egg) wala Burgers.
- Bread
- Tikki
- Sauses
- Vegetables
- Eggs
- Yougart
- Mayonnaise
- Tomato Ketchup
- Oil or Ghee
It is a good business in Pakistan with a low budget and due to its thousands of food points, many people earn their income for their living and for their family support.
Thanks... Andeh (egg) walang burger.
Andeh (🥚) Wala Burger |